About Us
Veterans & Their Families
Hire a Veteran
Get Help
Job Hunting
The VCOP mission is to perpetuate a collaborative initiative engaged in helping Veterans and their families by partnering with local, state and federal agencies and organizations to assist with reintegration, career development, mentoring, housing and other necessities of life outside the military.We work with the many agencies within the Veterans’ community to help YOU find the programs, services and help you need for a better, happier, more fulfilling life.
We appreciate your service, and we understand…we’re Veterans, too
Services for Veterans and their Families:
- In-House Training
- Career Counseling
- Mentoring Programs
- VA Benefits Guidance
- Peer Group Roundtables
- Personal Finance Training
- Transportation Assistance
We are a registered 501(C)3 Non-Profit organization.
Getting Your Papers In Order.
One of the most important things in your job search is going to be a good resume. You need to show your employer your skills, abilities, and experiences. After years in the service, years of training as leaders, doctors, engineers, and more, there is no job you can’t do. We just need to get that message across to prospective employers.
VCOP is working with numerous services to make your life easier. Among them, ResumeBuilder.com. They offer a simple, free tool to quickly create a robust resume. It’s easier than traditional office tools and helps get your resume noticed.
Find That Job.
You’ve got your resume. You’re ready to find work. VCOP uses the PA Career Link for finding jobs for any veteran in need. They have everything from factory work to lab technicians. Where there’s work to be done, they’ve got you covered.
As a Veteran, you’ve earned the right to get help when you need it. From help balancing your checkbook to learning new computer skills, from writing a resume to career guidance and job hunting, TeamVCOP is here to help. Need something specific? Call.
We’ve got your six.
It’s not only the Veteran who serves…it’s also the Vet’s family. We offer programs, services and guidance for virtually every member of the Veteran’s family – from a gathering place to work out family problems, to help searching for new or better employment, housing or life skills.
Just need someone to talk to? Give us a call.
Veterans are energetic, skilled, disciplined workers.
VCOP maintains a list of skilled veterans who want work. They may be underemployed or moving up the career ladder. Plus, there are government incentives for hiring veterans – and you’ll be doing yourself a favor by hiring dedicated Veteran workers.
We are comitted to keeping you working. Keep your up-to-date resumes on file with VCOP, we’ll keep our eyes open for career opportunities for you!
We’re constantly monitoring online job feeds like the Pa Career Link for Veterans.
We’ve got help for you, you are not alone.
We work with numerous agencies, we can help with your VA benefits paperwork, education, housing, jobs, counseling, and much more.
Give us a call, stop by or fill out our online form here .
If you’re facing issues with getting affordable Healthcare, the Veterans Coalition of PA is now working with MedicarePlans.com to help Veterans navigate the complex world of healthcare. They analyze healthcare plans, have outside validation of their work, and work to help older and disabled Americans receive their healthcare.
We work with many agencies within the Veterans’ community to help YOU find the programs, services and help you need for a better, happier, more fulfilling life. We appreciate your service, and we understand…we’re Veterans, too.
Mail, email or give us a call!
- Veterans Coalition of Pennsylvania
- PO Box 8601
- Reading, PA 19603
Email Us at: info@TeamVCOP.org
Call us at: 610-372-8267 (VCOP)
Any Veteran will tell you: Freedom is not free. We never charge a Veteran or their family for our help – but help does come with a cost. Please consider donating new clothing, serviceable automobiles, personal items, your time or making a monetary donation. Every ounce goes to Veterans. We just can’t complete this mission without your help. VCOP is a 501(c)3 charitable organization.
Please call us to make a donation: 610-372-8267 (VCOP)
Or donate with Paypal: